Monday, June 16, 2008

fillings,shopping, and shots

Today was a very unusual random day. It included random stores, restaurants, and activities(those activities are not very fun in my opinion.) I woke up and I was told to keep my little cousin Lydia, asleep. So I did. I worked on my blog and to my joy, my mom came home from her run telling me that I have to wake up Lydia for a dentist appointment that I have to go to. Now, no one be disappointed with me but... my dentist found my first cavity in my mouth on one of my molars, BUT he said that it was from genetics. So don't blame me, blame my mom and dad. Well anyway, so we rode to the dentists tired and me, well I was annoyed. I didn't exactly feel like getting a cavity filling at ten in the morning. Over all it didn't really hurt, but it wasn't very comfortable with three people looking in your mouth at the same time while having to be strapped up in a chair with your tooth vibrating and jiggling. We then went shopping in downtown Traverse City. We stuffed our mouths with Cherry Republic samples, scarfed down yummy chicken noodle soup from Crema's, and headed to the doctor to get Gardisil shots for of course me. We waited for ever but luckily the doctor office waiting room had a Bop it that was running out of battery, so it made really hilarious noises when the voice would fade out every time you would play. (bop it is a toy that we played with in Ohio at our New Years celebration.) We were all cracking up. The shot REALLY killed but luckily I'm able to type with the arm that had a shot. If I wasn't able to type, that would be a disaster! :):)


Don and Steph said...

Wow! What a Monday! A shot and a filling. Yikes. What will Tuesday bring??

Erin said...

What a trooper!