Monday, June 30, 2008

Jumping at Jolli Lodge

JOLLI LODGE GOT A NEW TRAMPOLINE! Guess what? jolli lodge got a new trampoline and yesterday the Pennsylvania Taylor's and the Traverse City Taylor's tried it out. We were jumping for a very long time and Aunt Martha even tried it. It was sooooo much fun! But be careful, the first part of the video may make you a little dizzy! My video camera has a feature where you can mix the movies and I thought I would try it out...


Don and Steph said...

What an excellent video! Looks like everyone is having an awesome time up north! I'm really glad to hear the water is warmer than expected! Just two weeks until Don and I will be there!

Corey Stringer said...



Your Concerned Lawyer Cousin
Stringer, Stringer & Stringer

Anonymous said...

Just watch yourself when you are here, your actions might be blogged to the world!

Anonymous said...

My lady friend seems to be the last...but certainly not the least person on this video. Katie, you are such a show off with your flips.

Katie said...

Anonymous- Don't hate... congratulate :)