Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am officially a president scholar!!!!!

Guess WHAT!!! Yesterday at the Eastern awards assembly I earned seven awards!!! These awards include art exellence (only awarded to 15 kids) the peacemaker award (a special club I am part of) the spirt club award (for having school spirit) the Ecology club award (for helping to recycle in my school) the Citizenship award (i got a cool fancy gold pin for that one) a service award (for helping to be a cross guard for my school) and most importantly... I got an award that I am officially a president scholar! To only 20 kids the president sent a letter to the top 20 kids who get good grades at my school. So they called up my name and I got a certificate and a letter signed by George Bush himself!!!! I am very excited for the things they awarded me.


Amy and Matt said...

Congrats Ellie!!
Great job at school! I bet your parents are very proud of you.

e-dog said...

thanks amy and matt!!!
I can't wait to meet matt and i can't wait to see Erin at jolly lodge this summer!!!!!!

e-dog said...

oopz i just left two comments at once

e-dog said...

i cant wait to meet the OTHER matt and i can't wait to see Erin at jolly lodge!!!!!

e-dog said...

i think i will post another post tomorrow at about 12:00

Don and Steph said...

Congrats e-dog! You should be really proud! Those are awesome accomplishments! Is today the first day of summer vacation for you? Enjoy it!

Pheny-jo in SP

Erin said...

Congratulations Ellie! That's wonderful! I hope we get to see all of your awards in a few
Unfortunately, Matt can't come to Jolli Lodge this year but you will meet him in October.

Katie said...

WOW!! What amazing accomplishments Ellie! GREAT WORK!! Look out middle school :)

KT from the DC

Corey Stringer said...

Presidential Scholar Award? Wow! Color me officially impressed.
